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Our ancestors used to think that disease were caused by evil spirits. To cure them, they used to exorcism or worshipped gods and goddesses. Now days we know how disease caused, we can prevent diseases. We now live longer and lead healthier life in compare to olden times.
In this article we will know the evolution of medical instruments and development of medicines.
If we have fever, we use thermometer to check the temperature of the body. The thermometer was invented by Gabriel Daniel Fahrenheit in the year 1714.
The thermometer has marking of degrees in Fahrenheit from 95°F to 110°F. A healthy persona has a temperature of 98.4°F (37°C).
Doctors generally carry an instrument around their necks. It is the stethoscope. It is used to check out the condition of the patient's heart and lungs.
It was invented by Rene Laennec in the year 1816.
A healthy person heartbeat is between 60-100 bpm.
Microscope was invented by Zacharias Janssen in the year 1590.
Today, we have many powerful microscopes.
We use X-rays to see fractures in the body. X-Rays was discovered by Wilhelm Konrad Roentgen in the year 1896. Besides X-rays, we also have CAT scan, ultrasound, MRI.
These machines help the doctors to see a complete image of the organs of the body.
To monitor heart and brain we use ECG (Electro-Cardio-Graph) and the EEG (Electro-Encephalo-Gram) respectively.